Science And Technology Museum

New collar claims to interpret dogs’ barks

by Miles Warren
November 02,2021

Remember Pixar’s movie “Up”? The one where the dogs wear collars that translate their barks and thoughts into human language? Soon- this invention is going to be real (apparently), and the name they’ve given it is “WhatsYapp.”

WhatsYapp look like an ordinary collar that you put around your dog’s neck, yet when your dog barks, the message is converted and sent directly to your smartphone in the form of a WhatsApp message – so you can give your dog exactly what they need. “ Let’s go for a walk ”, “ I’m hungry ” or “ Where are you? ” are just some of the phrases available on the collar.

The collar is not yet available to buy as it’s still in the development stages as the developers continue to explore the various reactions from animals.

WhatsYapp will connect directly to your smartphone via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, and will basically consist of the same technology that makes up a smartwatch: microphone, movement detector, etc.

Obviously, this could be a great idea, but we can’t help but question: up to what point will this device be able to interpret our dog’s thoughts and barks? Does this seem like a product with a future, or just a gimmick from Fetch , the British pet store that has come up with it?

Source: Telegraph

  • Miles Warren
  • November 02,2021

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